Temperatures are starting to cool from the northwest as a cold front pushes through the region today. Showers are mostly finished with it, but a few may pop-up through the afternoon today. Most of the state will see a drop in clouds, rain chances, and humidity through the course of Saturday. This will make for some nice outdoor weather.
A nicely-timed cold front will take temperatures down a few pegs this afternoon and more importantly, will help dry out the air a bit. Don’t expect much in the way of change, and don’t get used to it. The dog days of summer hang on through the weekend and upcoming week. Saturday will be met with a decrease of many things, including intense heat, humidity, cloud coverage, and rain chances. Enjoy a nice outdoor weather day, especially if heading to the game this evening as temperatures begin to cool. Sunday brings back the heat, and the humidity as a ridge of high-pressure sides east of us quickly, bringing back a southerly wind flow. Most of your work week will be a lot of what we’ve been seeing. Hot and humid, with temperatures reaching and likely surpassing the 90-degree mark. Humidity sticks around as well, making it a long and hot week. This is the “dog days” of summer. Rain chances remain low, except for a weak cool front approaching midweek. Even then, other than an occasional isolated t-shower, don’t expect much out of it (including cool air).