Here’s a look at how AP’s general news coverage is shaping up in Kentucky. Questions about coverage plans are welcome and should be directed to the AP-Louisville bureau at (502) 583-7718 or aplouisville(at) Beth Campbell is on the desk. News editor Scott Stroud can be reached at A reminder this information is not for publication or broadcast, and these coverage plans are subject to change. Expected stories may not develop, or late-breaking and more newsworthy events may take precedence. If circumstances change before 6 p.m., a new digest will be sent reflecting those developments. All times are Eastern.
Some TV and radio stations will receive shorter APNewsNow versions of the stories below, along with all updates.
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Top Story:
OKLAHOMA CITY _ Betty Collins was born and raised in Tulsa, but the eighth grade history teacher hadn’t been to the state Capitol in Oklahoma City until last spring, when she educators throughout the state walked off the job to protest for better wages and public school funding. By Sean Murphy.
PHILPOT, Ky. _ The federal legalization of hemp through the Hemp Farming Act, a part of the 2018 Farm Bill, has brought seasoned farmers and would-be gold rushers alike into the hemp game. An AP Member Exchange.
In Brief:
TRAMPOLINE PARK-SUPREME COURT, from LOUISVILLE, Ky. _ Kentucky’s Supreme Court has ruled that a damage waiver signed by a parent at a trampoline park does not protect the park from liability in the case of an injured child.
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