MT. STERLING, Ky. (LEX 18) — If you think back to your elementary school days, square pizza and chocolate milk might be some of the top memories.
Perhaps, it's a favorite teacher. One physical education teacher, though, hopes her lesson on heart health leaves that lasting impact.
"I think I try to make my classroom where every kid is successful," said Trina Goodrich, the physical education teacher at Mount Sterling Elementary.

For 23 years, Goodrich has shared her craft with the kids through different ways of teaching. This one in particular? An obstacle course on heart health.
"I think it's important for kids, especially at the elementary level, to understand their body but understand it in a fun and energetic way," Goodrich said.
The fun at school can be the most memorable. Goodrich hopes this creates a memory that stays with kids through all of life's obstacles.

"My whole focus in doing these types of activities with these kids is giving them a snapshot that goes in their memory bank and they can remember it for a lifetime," Goodrich said.
A lifetime of learning doesn't always have to feel like jumping through hoops — except here, where that's a big piece of it.
"They have a different color ball representing whether it's oxygen or carbon dioxide and so they are immersing themselves and learning about a tough circulatory that's a lot of information to learn," Goodrich said.