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Positively LEX 18: Cross country cousins united by kidney donation

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — Seeing Lizzie and Sarah Porter talk, one would never guess the two cousins are about to undergo life-changing surgery.

27-year-old Lizzie Porter lives in Texas and has lived with a rare kidney disease for more than 10 years. In February of 2019, her health took a turn, and now a kidney transplant is crucial to her survival.

"Honestly, it was probably one of the scariest moments. When I heard that I was definitely very, very nervous," Lizzie Porter said of learning she needed a new kidney.

Over 850 miles away in Lexington, Kentucky, is 25-year-old UK grad and Lizzie's cousin, Sarah. She just so happens to be the perfect match.

Sarah Porter said, "I definitely cried. I called my aunt, and she said they thought they would never get a match. Lizzie had said she thought she would die, that she would never find anybody."

In fact, ten years ago, Sarah had already jokingly made the offer. Something they laugh and marvel at now.

"She got sick when we were on a family vacation, and I joked and said I'll give you a kidney if you ever need one. Ten years later she ended up on the transplant list," Sarah Porter said.

Lizzie added, "When it kind of came down to it I was like let's see if she meant it and she definitely does."

After some testing and pre-op business, Sarah makes the journey to Texas on Saturday for the surgery.

"It's definitely a time to be thankful for and hopefully by Christmas she can go out to dinner for Christmas or something," Sarah said.

In the season of thanks and giving, they are the living, breathing embodiment. The two cousins who live hundreds of miles apart will now be closer than ever thanks to one lifesaving bond.

Lizzie said, "I don't know how I'll ever repay Sarah."

"I definitely want people to know it's an easy process, and it will save a life," Sarah said.

If you are interested in becoming a kidney donor, visit