

Madison County Opts To Stay In Classes Friday


MADISON COUNTY, Ky. (LEX 18) – Despite an influx of schools canceling classes Friday, Madison County Schools have posted to their website that they will not close on Friday.

According to a statement on their Facebook page, the schools will send a delegation of representatives to Frankfort to protest on behalf of the school system and the Madison County Education Association. 

"Madison County Schools and the Madison County Education Association believe it is in the best interest of our students for school to be in session on Friday, April 13. We absolutely believe representation is essential as very important decisions are being made affecting the future of public education in our state. The district and MCEA have worked together to ensure there is a delegation of representatives from each school present at Friday’s rally at the Capitol. We fully support Kentucky Education Association and 120strong in their statements regarding Friday’s rally. And we also encourage our community, parents, and staff to continue contacting legislators and encouraging them to support our public schools," reads the post.