WOODFORD COUNTY, Ky (LEX 18) A daycare worker in Versailles just so happened to be in the right place at the right time and a life-saving story unfolded.
Cindy Lewis said she logged onto her computer Wednesday and immediately was inundated with Facebook posts.
"I’m overwhelmed I guess you could say and then people started tagging me on Facebook and I was like, what?" Cindy told LEX 18.
On the posts, person after person called her awesome, a hero, and a guardian angel.
Lewis has worked at Glenda’s Daycare in Versailles for 20 years and has been trained in CPR, but never used it until Wednesday. She was driving a van full of kids through the Merewood neighborhood, hours earlier than normal, when she saw an elderly woman collapse while mowing her yard.
"I pulled the van over like pretty quickly, and I jumped out and went over," she said.
She had someone dial 911 as she began compressions.
“I was talking to her the whole time saying, "come on, come on", and she didn’t have a pulse and I just kept going ’til they got there," she said.
Last night, she got the chance to visit the woman she helped save in the hospital. That is when a photo of Cindy was snapped and posted to Facebook.
“I got a big hug from her and that was payment enough for me,” she said.
Lewis said she wants no praise and said she just did what anyone else would do.
“I’m blessed, you know, I would hope anybody would do it," she said. "I’d do it again in a heartbeat."
The elderly woman who suffered the heart attack is doing well and is still in the hospital. Lewis said she plans on keeping in touch.