

Facebook Post Causes Controversy After Comments Deleted


PULASKI COUNTY, Ky (LEX 18) A Facebook post about a proposed indoor sports facility created some controversy in Somerset after some said their negative comments were deleted from the post. 

The post was made Tuesday morning on the City of Somerset official page. 

"All I’m asking for is transparency, honesty. I mean, why is it being deleted, I don’t understand?" said Somerset resident Graziela Mink. 

The Mayor of Somerset will not discuss city policy on social media. 

"If people really want to be concerned, get off Facebook, get off social media. Send us a letter, come to our council meetings, come to our budget workshops, We had an hour and a half long budget meeting the other night, did any citizen raise up and object? No," said Mayor Eddie Girdler.

One woman said she commented, tagging a friend in the post, asking him to explain how the sports complex would be funded. She said before her friend could answer, the comment was deleted.

"He messaged me and said, "I was getting ready to respond, to your question, but it seems like it’s not there anymore. Did you delete your comment by chance?" And I said no," said Mink. 

Residents who have had their comments deleted said they’re not upset by the proposal, but about their voices not being heard.

Mayor Girdler said the funding for the proposed indoor sports complex will come from the commercial garbage fund, which the city said has grown significantly in recent years.