

5 Cases Of Hepatitis A Confirmed In Montgomery County


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Ky (LEX 18) More confirmed cases of Hepatitis A continue popping up in Central Kentucky. There are now five cases in Montgomery County, including one at a busy McDonald’s location. 

After a Facebook post from the Montgomery County Health Department, word spread fast of a confirmed case of Hepatitis A being linked to a food handler at a McDonald’s off Exit 113. The case is one of five confirmed in Montgomery County and more than 300 across Kentucky. 

Many are asking if there is cause for concern. The Montgomery County Health Department said that when it comes to the case at McDonald’s, no. They said after inspection, it was determined there is no threat to the public. Some customers tell LEX 18 they are still wary. 

Hepatitis A is spread through fecal or oral transmission or sexual contact. State Health Officials said no customers of any restaurant in Kentucky have been infected. Infection from a food worker is highly unlikely. 

Symptoms of the viral infection include fatigue, abdominal pain, or jaundice.

There is a vaccine that is usually recommended for children or people living lifestyles determined to be high risk.

Health officials said homelessness and intravenous drug use are the main dangers for getting infected with Hepatitis A in Kentucky.