LEXINGTON, Ky (LEX 18) A new website and app is coming to Lexington that will make finding and posting a job a lot easier.
The EZ Gig app brings hourly workers and businesses together. Employers can find employees and workers can find more ways to make money.
EZ Gig is easy to use and clients post open shifts on the app, then workers will receive a notification to claim the shift.
"You’re a tray server, or a line server, or a buffet server, we’ll skill tag you with those work skills and then when our clients go out on our app and they post that shift, it only goes out to those workers that have those qualifying skill tags," said Greg Lyles, the managing director of EZ Gig.
Companies who use the app will be able to see, in real time, the shift fill-in rate. Workers will be able to see the job, pay, location, and other requirements.
"It could be one of the event venues here in town, it could be one of the catering companies here in town, it could be with a restaurant, it could be with a light industrial company here in town. Just pick where you want to work," he said.
To access the website, go to ezgig.work.
The company tells LEX 18 that the Lexington Workforce gave them a $30,000 grant to start the website.