JESSAMINE COUNTY, Ky. (LEX 18) – Saturday is national prescription drug take back day.
There were collection sites all across the state for people to dispose of their leftover or expired drugs.
Kentucky State Police and the DEA partnered up, encouraging people to remove potentially dangerous medicines from their homes.
Leftover or expired drugs can pollute the environment if they’re disposed of incorrectly, or they can get into the wrong hands.
The Nicholasville Police Department worked with the DEA, and collected multiple boxes of prescription drugs.
“It could be a child that gets into something, it could be somebody else that knows that you have something in there. This is a great opportunity for you to clear out your medicine cabinet, and it’s free. It doesn’t cost you anything. We take care of the whole disposal instead of you trying to have to worry about it,” said Nicholasville Police Sgt. Kevin Grimes.
Last year, Kentucky State Police collected more than 15 hundred pounds during two take back events.