

Sculpture Honoring Women To Be Unveiled On Mother’s Day


LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP)– The Lexington Women’s Recognition Garden will soon unveil a new sculpture, answering the 2015 call of the Kentucky Human Rights Commission to erect statues honoring women.

The Katsina bronze sculpture is said to beckon the power and beauty of nature in female form. 

It was designed by artist Amanda Matthews.

On Monday workers came one step closer to finishing the statue.

"We’re so excited," said Victoria Meyer, the chairperson of the group. "The whole project has just been kind of magic but today we’re doing the pour. The whole process of bronze is it’s just a living thing, a positive and a negative. It starts out in clay. So today the molds are done, the waxes have been melted out of the molds, and we’re pouring the bronze into them."

The finished statue will be unveiled May 13 on Mother’s Day. 

A ceremony will take place from 2-4 p.m. at Wellington Park.

There will also be a silent auction, live music, refreshments and children’s activities.