LEXINGTON, Ky (LEX 18) A downtown Lexington neighborhood says that kids with paintball guns have been vandalizing the neighborhood.
Sharon Searcy, who has lived on Ohio Street for 30 years, said she is fed up with the vandalism.
"I consider myself the president, the mayor and a longtime neighbor, and I don’t take no foolishness," she said. "All of us are working, hard-working people, rent-paying people, mortgage-paying people."
Searcy said that it started about two weeks ago, a group of about 20 males and females, who looked to be underage, were shooting paintball guns that looked similar to real guns.
"They shoot at your cars your homes at your porches your animals anything that’s in reach," said Searcy.
Neighbors said they’re worried about the situation turning deadly.
"Everybody’s gonna be all upset when one of these kids gets killed, because they’re gonna shoot the wrong house or the wrong person and something’s gonna happen," said Tina Miller.
Lexington Police said they are doing extra patrols in the neighborhood and have identified several suspects. Neighbors want authorities to go after the parents.
"They need to get after the parents because at the end of the day, if they get after these parents, then maybe some of this stuff will stop," said Katrina Clay.