ANDERSON COUNTY, Ky (LEX 18) – Anderson County is a popular spot for Bigfoot sightings. He even made a public appearance Monday night in Lawrenceburg for an upcoming celebration.
Rumors of Bigfoot’s presence date all the way back to Daniel Boone.
"No, I haven’t seen him, but that doesn’t mean that he’s not out there," said city administrator Robbie Hume.
Campers across Kentucky have also reported seeing the mysterious creature.
"Seven to ten feet tall, pretty muscular creature, male or female. They’ve seen both. So if you see Bigfoot, it’s gonna be very hard to say, yeah that’s not human," said Jeff Waldridge, the co-organizer of Wildman Days.
According to, most Kentucky sightings have been in Anderson County.
On Monday, Bigfoot emerged from the woods for the proclamation of Wildman Days.
"Games and food, and any contest just like you’d imagine any other street festival," said Waldridge.
The town is hoping that first-time visitors will come for Bigfoot, come back for the bourbon and see what else Lawrenceburg has to offer.
"You’ve got the river, you’ve got the lakes, you’ve got all kinds of outdoor activities. You’ve got the local shops and restaurants," said Waldridge.
Wildman days kicks off in Lawrenceburg on Friday, June 1 and runs through Sunday, June 3. The festival is free to attend. There will be a Wildman 5K on Saturday. For more information, click here.