LEXINGTON, Ky. — Lexington’s Division of Waste Management will adjust its collection schedule for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday. No collection will be made on Monday, May 28. Residents and businesses that normally receive curbside collections on Monday will be serviced on Wednesday, May 30.
Those impacted should place their carts out after 4 p.m. on Tuesday to ensure Wednesday collection.
Businesses with dumpsters (landfill-bound and recycling), normally serviced by the city on Mondays, will have their units picked up on Tuesday, May 29. Businesses with dumpsters, normally serviced on Tuesdays, will have their units picked up on Wednesday, May 30. Thursday and Friday collections will be made as usual.
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government offices will be closed on the holiday. The Lexington Recycling Center, the Electronics Recycling Center and the Haley Pike Waste Management Facility will be closed on Saturday, May 26 as well as the holiday.
For more information, contact LexCall at 311 or (859) 425-2255.