

Just In Time For Pool Season, KFC Releases Colonel Sanders Float


LOUISVILLE, Ky. (LEX 18) – Just in time for your summer pool days, KFC has released a pool float that will definitely inspire conversation and maybe a craving for chicken. 

To kick off Memorial Day weekend a little early and celebrate summer, KFC today opened a sweepstakes to enter for a chance to win the summer’s must-have pool float: the limited-edition KFC Colonel floatie. In the likeness of Colonel Sanders and in the shape of a ridable raft, the KFC Colonel floatie features special holders for a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken® and your favorite beverage.

The good news? You don’t have to wait to 30 minutes to get in the pool.

Visit starting today through June 22 to enter for a chance to win one of the limited-edition free floaties, which aren’t being sold or made available outside of this giveaway. Winners will be selected on June 23, and floaties will ship to arrive in time for the 4th of July weekend for most recipients.