

Teachers Win Primary Races


(LEX 18) Teachers chanted "We’ll Remember In November" on the steps of the Capitol while protesting pension reform and school budget funding, inspiring some educators to run for office. Tuesday night, 12 of the 20 educators who ran won their primary. One of those even ousted the House Majority leader.

R. Travis Brenda is a high school math teacher at Rockcastle County High School.

"I felt it was a calling. And it was not based on just the pension issue, it really went back to a back to school prayer service at church back in mid-August," said Brenda.

The first-time candidate won the Republican primary for the House’s 71st District, beating Jonathan Shell, the House Majority leader.

“A lot of people last night said ‘congratulations, you did it.’ But it was not me, there was a whole lot of people working behind the scenes," said Brenda.

Brenda said his win is a sign of hope after outrage with the pension bill that passed in the general assembly.

"Some would show up to the polls and cast their vote, and trust people to do the right thing. I believe that people have finally taken this opportunity to make sure our voices are heard," said Brenda.

Brenda faces Democrat Mary Renfro, of Berea, in the November election. Renfro had no opposition in the primary.