

Community Gathers At Lexington High School For Bullying Rally

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18)– A group of teens and their families gathered at Lexington Catholic High School on Wednesday night with one message in mind… "it’s over now — stop the bullying."

The rally was hosted by a former Lexington police chief, along with a victim of bullying.

Former Police Chief Anthany Beatty and his wife Eunice gathered the crowd last night to inspire teens to be more empathetic toward others. 

The couple hopes to inspire teens to also say enough is enough.

They shared the message of Ameka Powell, a former victim of bullying.

Powell said she hopes students understand how important it is to speak up in those situations.

Especially with nightmare scenarios playing out in the news, like the recent school shooting in Texas, where the father of the shooter says his son was bullied.

"If we can teach them early in life, this is what bullying is and how you react to it and how you deal with it, we feel like we can make an impression and make an impact and start turning the tide on some of these issues that we’re seeing in our schools," Anthany said. 

The Beatty couple has been trying to make a difference in the lives of children for a little over 10 years now.

They started ‘The Anthany and Eunice Beatty Family Foundation’ back in 2007 when Anthany retired as the first African-American chief of police in Lexington.