

Bear Sighted in Corbin Neighborhood


CORBIN, KY (Lex 18) – A photo posted to Facebook after a bear sighting has a Corbin neighborhood talking and taking extra precautions.

Though many neighbors on 5th Street haven’t seen the young bear, they’ve seen the photo of him posted online by Deianara Walker. 

Walker and others said they’ve also noticed his repeated visits to various trash cans. 

"This was a shock to us because we don’t consider this rural," said Pat Chaison. "This was just on the outskirts of this town."

Other neighbors said this sighting was a first for this area, but it may not be the last. This week alone, they’ve heard of more bear sightings on 7th Street and in nearby Lily. 

"I like to cook in the back and I don’t want to be surprised by a bear sneaking up on me," Chaison said. 

Kentucky Fish and Wildlife biologists said it’s not uncommon to see a bear in Corbin, especially now. Mother bears often force out younger bears from breeding areas at this time of year. 

A few days ago, officers brought brochures to people’s homes with information what to do if a bear comes around again. They suggest you always respect the bear, never feed it, and don’t run from it. 

The Chaisons and other neighbors say they aren’t too worried about the neighborhood newcomer, but they hope he doesn’t come around again.