

Georgetown College Accreditation Reaffirmed


GEORGETOWN, Ky. (LEX 18)  Georgetown College’s accreditation has been reaffirmed by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

The College received news of the decision Thursday, June 14, following the meeting of the SACSCOC Board of Trustees in San Antonio, Texas.

Because of concerns over the College’s financial resources and stability, Georgetown was initially sanctioned in 2014. 

Georgetown will hold a celebration at 3 p.m. and make the official announcement.

According to Georgetown President, Dr. M. Dwaine Greene, the SACSCOC decision is most appropriate, and welcomed. “Building on the successes of recent years, the news was anticipated, as the decision is a strong affirmation of an excellent College. I gladly extend congratulations to Georgetown’s trustees who have led in these years of renewal, to the alumni who have stepped forward in support of their alma mater, to the faculty, staff, and students who bring vitality every day to their responsibilities and experiences here, and to the broad array of Georgetown friends who love and support the College. Georgetown is on a good path, and it is exciting now to anticipate the new horizons ahead as the College approaches its 190th year.”