

People In Lexington Try To Beat The Heat


LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) – Saturday people across Lexington tried to beat the heat as temperatures reached 90 degrees.

A group of softball players worked to stay cool while taking part in a tournament all day at Constitution Park.

Parent Brian McPhain says it’s important to make sure the players stay hydrated; he even brought a homemade mister.  

"Humidity is high so they expel a lot of water so you’ve got to make sure they take a lot of water in and that’s kind of on the parents and the adults," said McPhain.

Players say they try to stay in the shade as much as possible, but they’re still  not used to the extreme heat this early in the summer.

Then on the streets of Lexington, the homeless are also battling the elements.

Temperatures are so high, the city has activated it’s homelessness intervention weather plan.

Places like the Catholic Action Center are opening their doors to anyone who needs to cool off. Director Ginny Ramsey says the heat can be devastating.

"Heat stroke, all the things that can happen in the heat, particularly with the vulnerable health of folks who are calling the streets their home," said Ramsey.

Temperatures are expected to be even hotter on Sunday.