LOUISVILLE, Ky. (LEX 18)– Kentucky Fish and Wildlife officials are investigating after someone was caught on camera parading a fawn around on a leash for entertainment.
The video has also caused quite a stir on social media, as the deer even has its own Facebook page and Hastag, "Park Hill Bambi."
The Louisville Housing Authority says police have been looking for the man.
They believe he brought the deer to Park Hill housing project, but is not a resident there.
People called fish and wildlife after getting upset that the man had the fawn, and was allegedly asking for money for kids to pet it.
On the Facebook page, there’s a post offering to sell the deer for $500.
Additionally, people are posting all kinds of pictures of it, including one of the young deer in the driver’s seat of a semi.
"It is illegal for anyone to posess any wildlife for any amount of time unless you have a federal or state permit to do so, it’s illegal for him to be charging money for this, mostly it made me sad for the deer," said Brigette Brouillard of Second Chances Wildlife.
Kentucky Fish and Wildlife officials say anyone with information about the person with the deer should call them.