

Clinton Co. Widow To Accept Medal Of Honor On Behalf Of Late Husband


CLINTON COUNTY, Ky. (LEX 18) — The Clinton County widow of a late World War II veteran is in Washington, D.C., in preparation to receive the Medal of Honor from the president for her husband.

"I didn’t think it would ever happen. I gave up on it a long time ago," said Pauline Conner, widow of 1st Lt. Garlin Murl Conner. 

Pauline Conner had struggled with the United States Military Board to get Garlin honored. Twenty-one years ago, she made her initial bid for what she felt her husband deserved but was told no.

Garlin Murl Conner was 79-years-old when he died in 1998.

During his 28 months of service in World War II, he earned a Distinguished Serve Cross, three Purple Hearts, and four Silver Stars. He was wounded seven times, and seven times he returned to the field.

He is now the second most-decorated WWII veteran, but many just knew him as a humble Kentucky farmer. 

"He ran forward. He ran into an irrigation ditch and stayed there for three hours directing artillery fire. So he was out in front of the American lines," said Dr. Eric Villard, a historian with the Center of Military History.

"Meeting the president and accepting the Medal of Honor for my husband and it’s for him. It’s for him. It’s something he should have done in his lifetime," said Pauline Conner.

Conner is set to meet with President Trump Tuesday during a White House ceremony.