

Waterborne Diseases Lurking In Pools


LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) – With excessive heat in the forecast, many hit the pool to cool off and relax. The Centers for Disease Control has released information that is not meant to put a damper on your pool party but keep you aware of some dangers that could lurk in those chlorinated waters. 

Pools and hot tubs can carry many waterborne diseases. In fact, the CDC reports that more than 27,000 people have gotten sick from water-related illnesses since 2000.

Norton Children’s Medical Associates pediatrician Dr. Jeffrey Burton says chlorine may not be as rapidly effective against some organisms allowing them to survive slightly longer in pools.

So, if someone accidentally swallows the contaminated water, they could get sick and then pass it on to others.

The CDC offers these tips to keep from getting sick from pools:

  • Don’t swim or let kids swim if they are sick with diarrhea.
  • Check the pool, hot tub and water playground inspection scores.
  • Before getting in the water, use a test strip from your local retailer or pool supply store to check if the water’s pH and bromine or free chlorine levels are correct.
  • Shower before you get in the water. Rinsing off in the shower for just 1 minute helps get rid of any germs that might be on your body.
  • Don’t swallow the water.

Take kids on bathroom breaks hourly and change diapers away from the water.