

Man Says Armed Men Stole Guns, Ammo After Abduction And Robbery Attempt


LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — A Lexington man told police two armed men stole guns and ammunition from his home Tuesday morning after abducting him in an unsuccessful attempt to force him to remove cash from an automatic teller machine.Police say the man reported that around 7 a.m. two men knocked on the door of his Centurian Road home on the city’s south side.The resident says that when he answered the door, the armed men at first demanded money. When he refused, he says, they forced him into a vehicle and drove him to Central Bank in Tates Creek Centre, where they tried to make him withdraw cash from an ATM.The victim says he refused, and the assailants drove him back home, where they then stole the guns and ammunition.The case remains under investigation.