VERSAILLES, Ky (LEX 18) Nearly a week after last Friday’s storm, the Steele Cemetery in Versailles still has storm damage.
The cemetery is covered in trees, limbs, and debris. The site is home to some 1,500 graves, some of which date back to WWI. Although a few were toppled, no grave markers were completely broken.
Cemetery officials are just now getting a close look at the damage, that’s because they’ve been dealing with issues of their own on the home front.
"Some of us are just getting power restored as recently as yesterday, so that’s why we’re kind of behind getting secondary stuff done," said Pastor Floyd Greene with the First Baptist Church Versailles.
They’re hoping to get assistance from FEMA, as well as help from those who own plots at the cemetery.
"Nobody can be charged with liability, so we just have to come together and do what’s best for the community," said Greene.
Right now, donations are what will help the most.
You can donate by contacting First Baptist Church of Versailles at (859) 873-3951.