LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE3) — Gov. Matt Bevin is continuing his fight against paying higher property taxes on his Anchorage mansion.
WAVE3 reports here that Bevin claims the Jefferson County Property Valuation Administrator overvalued his home by more than $1.5 million.
Bevin purchased the home and 10 acres last year for $1.6 million.
The PVA valued it for 2018 at $2.9 million, while Bevin claims it should be set at $1.4 million.
“Once again, our job is of fair market value,” Jason Hancock, Jefferson County PVA Director of Valuation said. “And that is the only thing our office is concerned with. We do not set taxes, we do not collect taxes. It’s fair cash value."
A decision on Bevin’s property is expected next week.