

Teen Charged For Pushing Friend Off 60-Foot Bridge


(CNN/HLN) – A teenage girl in Washington has been charged with reckless endangerment after video showed her pushing a friend off a bridge.

The 16-year-old girl Jordan Holgerson fell more than 60 feet into the river below and now has five broken ribs and a punctured lung.

The girl’s mother said it could have been much worse.

"Recovery is going to be slow with her ribs and her chest, so we’re still at the hospital and we don’t see any hopes of leaving today anyway," said Genelle Holgerson Wednesday.

The fall was caught on video.

"I was told this was over 60 feet," Holgerson said. "The doctors told me that at half that, it’s just about the way you fall so if she would have fell a different way she could have broke her neck been paralyzed they see that a lot where she could have died."

The incident happened at the Moulton Falls Footbridge near Yacolt in Clark County, WA.

Jumping off the bridge is illegal, and just hearing the girl’s impact, you understand why.

On Friday, prosecutors charged Taylor Smith with reckless endangerment for pushing the teen off.

In the days following the incident, Jordan Holgerson told the Today Show that she thinks Smith should sit in jail and think about what she did.