NewsCovering Kentucky


DEA National Prescription Take Back Day Is Oct. 27


LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 180 – Local residents can help prevent drug abuse and theft by disposing of expired or unwanted medication during the Drug Enforcement Administration’s National Prescription Take Back Day on Oct. 27.

The DEA and local law enforcement agencies across the country will host a free, no-questions-asked disposal event.

In Lexington the Take Back Day event is 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Kentucky American Water, 2300 Richmond Rd. Officers from the Lexington Police Department and Fayette County Sheriff’s office will be on hand to take unwanted items.

“Now’s the time for residents to clean out their medicine cabinets,” said Todd Kuehnlein, Resident Agent in Charge of the Lexington DEA office. “Unused medication is susceptible to misuse, abuse and theft. Take Back Day is a free, convenient way to prevent prescription drugs from falling into the wrong hands.”