LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) – Women gathered in Louisville Sunday to rally for equality, and forward a number of legislative initiatives outside the Ali Center.
“It is easy to stand in this crowd, clap your hands and not hear one word that I am saying,” activist Hannah Drake said while speaking to the crowd about racial and gender equity.
She was among those demanding action, more than words of support, at the Louisville Women’s Rally on the cold January day.
“I think this is a big deal to keep fighting no matter your age, race, or gender to keep fighting for all the issues,” Lexi Overstreet, who attended the rally, said.
Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky External Affairs Director Tamarri Wieder was among those speaking calling for activism as legislators in Frankfort will soon vote on four new bills restricting abortion.
“For many of the legislators in Frankfort, and definitely for Bevin, that finish line is the end of abortion in the common wealth and potentially the end of Roe as we know it,” Wieder said.
Wieder and others added that action has been emboldened by the appointment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court over the past year.
Wieder said sexual assault allegations including those involving Kentucky state Representative Jeff Hoover should be considered with more weight.
They were all arguments those attending said are not just for women, but for all.
“Women’s rights are equal rights to everybody,” attendee Vendela Norris said. “It’s not just about women’s rights today. It’s everybody.”
Event organizers wrote on a Facebook description of the event that the rally held Sunday started out two years ago as a reaction to President Donald Trump’s election, but that their event was not affiliated with the National Women’s March.
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