CORBIN, Ky. (LEX 18) — 8-year-old Eli Hill's family describes him as a good boy, who loved his family, community, and God. They wanted to pay tribute to their son and his memory.
His parents, Ashley and Adam Hill, shared, "Eli's so… the best boy, the best boy. The smartest. The most handsome, the kindest…. The kindest boy he's just the best boy and my best friend."
Eli was playing basketball at home when the backboard and hoop collapsed. His mom says he experienced severe trauma to the chest. Now, Eli's family wants everyone to remember how involved he was.

Ashley shared, "Eli loved Corbin, Eli loved baseball, Eli loved people, Eli loved God and that was pretty much his life."
His dad Adam says Eli was a big Wildcats and Reds fan. He attended Corbin Independent Schools. The superintendent, David Cox, shared how much this has impacted the district.

He says, "If something like this happened, I think everyone would want that kind of support and really it's just therapeutic for the family and I think it's also therapeutic for people who provide the help."
Eli’s parents also shared that he was an organ donor. They say that today someone has new corneas and a new heart. Knowing his heart is beating has brought this family a sense of comfort during this difficult time.

They say, "It gives us some comfort to know, because I always said you know, Eli is destined for great things. His life was cut short, but he did do a great thing. He has given somebody else life today."
This family says the warmth of the community is now all they have left and the comfort of their faith which they say they know will reunite them all again.

His parents say, "Well, it gives us comfort that we will see him again because we will see him in Heaven, we have that promise."
This family is asking for the community's continued prayers.