WILMORE, Ky. (LEX 18) — Asbury University's now 16-day revival, or what the university is calling an outpouring, is winding down. Tonight, the weeks-long gathering will end with the National Collegiate Day of Prayer service.
Asbury University’s Abby Laub says, "Something a lot bigger than Asbury has been going on and we are just so excited to have been stewarding what God is doing."
In a statement, the university's president, Dr. Kevin Brown said in part, "I find it fitting that what started with college students on our campus is ending with college students joined in prayer and worship across the country."

The school says more than 200 campuses were represented here and many more from around the globe. One Asbury sophomore, Eliza Crawford, used a class project prompt "draw with your body" to follow where people have come from.
"I was thinking of the body of believers that was here at revival and took it that way. And then I wanted to see where everybody was from."
Crawford says she also spent hours in lines speaking to people about where they were from. This project took around six hours to complete. She says this was a personal experience for her. When others see this piece, she wants them to see hope.

"Well, I’m hoping that people will see it and realize just how far the word of God has spread through us,” says Crawford.
Over the past couple of weeks, the university estimates that around 50,000 to 75,000 people have been here to worship in this town of 6,000. But they say that it's not over.

Laub says, "So we don't like to think of this as the ending. You know, for us, this is really just the beginning...the nation comes together through this event, it's live streamed through their website. This is a chance for people around the world to just pray for our colleges and universities."
Rather than looking at tonight's service as a closing, to what some are calling a movement, the school's president says he hopes that others continue worship in their own communities.
Abby Laub says, "you know, whether you're a Christian or not, like you can see, just simply from a humanity perspective, that these kids are hurting, they need truth, they need love, you know. So, our message is gonna be go and take it with you."
This campus is hoping that the love that was shared here follows people back out into the world.
To limit and monitor large crowds, Asbury's services have been limited to 16 to 25-year-olds over the past few days. Beginning Friday, worshipers are asked to utilize other facilities for gathering.