

Global Day of Giving joined by United Way of the Bluegrass, Blue Grass Community Foundation

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — On Tuesday May 5, the global day of giving, United Way of the Bluegrass and the Blue Grass Community Foundation will be participating in the GivingTuesdayNow, supporting giving gifts to the Coronavirus Response Fund (CRF). The CRF is a collective effort to help support local nonprofit organizations whose services are crucial to those in the UWBG/BGCF service area.

Due to the generosity of two donors that have supplied $50,000 in dollar-for-dollar matching, gifts given to the Coronavirus Response Fund on May 5 will be doubled. Through The Jenna and Matthew Mitchell Family Foundation at Blue Grass Community Foundation, $35,000 was provided, as well as the United Way of the Bluegrass that gave $15,000 toward the matching opportunity.

“During this incredibly unsettling time, our focus as a community must remain on supporting each other in every way we possibly can,” Matthew Mitchell stated. “Jenna and I are extremely grateful for the support we’ve received over the past 15 years from this incredible community. It is time for us and all who are able to support our community with actions that create certainty where uncertainty exists.”

More than $680,000 in cash and commitments has been dispensed to the CRF. However, in order to make certain that there will be enough support during the recovery stage, officials approximate $1 million will be needed.

“Our region’s business community and many generous individuals have already contributed to the Fund to ensure that we have the immediate resources in place to support our most vulnerable neighbors,” United Way of the Bluegrass president and CEO Timothy Johnson said. “But there is still important work to be done and I hope you will join us on GivingTuesdayNow to help make a difference in our community.”

Grants have been awarded through the fund to organizations across 13 countries totaling more than $420,000. This has provided basic needs such as transportation, health care, access to food, and more. Grants are awarded weekly according to available Fund balance, and are given through the CRF, housed at BGCF, and managed in cooperation with UWBG.

“We know that these are challenging times for all of us, which is why we encourage everyone to start where you are, use what you have and do what you can,” Blue Grass Community Foundation President/CEO Lisa Adkins said. “If you’re able, join us on Tuesday, May 5 and make a gift to the Coronavirus Response Fund, because every dollar matters.”

If you would like more information about the Coronavirus Response Fund, or would like to view a complete list of grant recipients and instruction on how to donate, visit