LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — While Kentucky's mask mandate for most public spaces has expired, the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department recommends keeping a face-covering handy for the Fourth of July weekend.
"If you are going to a large gathering, especially if it's indoors, you want to wear your mask because you don't know who around you has been or has not been vaccinated," LFCHD communications generalist Christina King said.
Even if you're outdoors and you can't keep 6 feet from others, it's still recommended that you wear a mask for extra protection.
However, if you are around people that you know, those recommendations relax.
"If you're getting together with friends and family, and you know them and you know that you can trust that they have been vaccinated, then, by all means, go without the mask," King said. "Enjoy your holiday."
Whether you have that mask on or off, it's always recommended that you wash your hands frequently and do it for as long as it takes you to sing "Happy Birthday."
When it comes to community food such as potlucks or buffets, King recommends using your best judgment based on where the food came from and who made it.
Sticking to these safety measures is a good way to keep Kentucky on the right track. After all, King said about two-thirds of Lexington adults have been vaccinated against COVID-19, and about three-fourths have had their first dose.
"The pandemic is not over, no," she said. "But we're on the way. There's hope. There's light at the end of the tunnel now. We just need to keep doing what we've been doing."
For more safety tips for holiday gatherings, head to the CDC's website here.