

Some UK HealthCare workers furloughed, duties changed for others

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — Some duties for UK HealthCare workers are being changed in anticipation of the influx of critically ill patients.

The university's Chief Communications Officer, Jay Blanton, says the plan was communicated yesterday across the health system.

Many employees won't be affected, but some will be re-deployed to meet needs elsewhere, as elective surgeries and procedures have been suspended.

UK says pay and benefits for those staff members will not be affected and training will take place for those asked to take on different roles.

Some employees may not be able to be re-deployed. UK says those workers will be paid through April 25. Those workers can then elect to use accrued paid time off.

When those are exhausted, they will be eligible for unemployment.

UK says final numbers of how many employees impacted is not yet known.