

Trump defends coronavirus protesters

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(LEX 18) — President Donald Trump called people who are protesting their local governments over stay-at-home orders “great people.” Over the last few days, he’s encouraged governors to relax those orders as they feel it’s safe to do so.

In the last week, protesters gathered in several states, including Kentucky, to speak out against physical distancing guidelines, which some claim are unconstitutional. Some governors have even received death threats. Governor Andy Beshear is one of those leaders, along with Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

There was one online comment that gained attention over the weekend. The Courier Journal reports that someone in a public Facebook group talked about Beshear being eliminated “by any means necessary via the Second Amendment." That person said his comment was not a threat, but some state lawmakers disagree.

Protestors have been arguing against Governor Beshear’s decision to keep non-essential businesses closed. They say healthy people should be able to back to work.

The president has tweeted about liberating states and Sunday he was asked if he was worried his statements were inciting political violence.

”No, no. I've seen the people. I've seen interviews of the people. These are great people,” said President Trump. “Look they want to get--they call cabin fever. You've heard the term? They've got cabin fever. They want to get back. They want their life back. Their life was taken away from them."”>

Governor Beshear has repeatedly talked about the health and safety consequences of reopening too soon. The state currently has a plan for reopening the economy when its ready.