NewsCovering Kentucky


Local Businesses, Homes, And Roads Flood In Montgomery Co.

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MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Ky (LEX 18)- On Sunday and even into Monday, emergency crews were called out for six-car rescues in Montgomery County and water was over the road nearly everywhere drivers turned.

Brandy Patrick told LEX 18 that flood waters lapped up against her hair salon’s doors Sunday.

“It was bad. it was just rushing,” she said. “And all I could think was, my shop, my shop! Clippers! I wonder what’s floating?”

Brandy Patrick stands in front of her salon.

On Monday morning, she thought the damage would be restricted to just a few inches, but then she saw another water line. Her business sits along the Hinkston Creek, the creek that also flooded Giovanni’s Pizza Sunday night.

With the mess and cost of damages, Patrick had a decision to make.

“Do I want to restart? Do I want to keep going? Do you want to pack up and leave? But all-in-all, I’m going to stay,” said Beam.

Greg Beam, the Director of Montgomery County Emergency Management tells LEX 18 that every road in the county was affected by water. Beam drove more than 400 miles, assessing the damage and shutting down roads. He said on a scale of 1-10, this damage is an 8.

“Usually it affects one area, a few houses. Right now, we’re looking between 30 and 50 homes, maybe about 20 businesses that were affected. We’re really starting damage assessments and it’s going to take a few weeks,” said Beam.