NewsCovering Kentucky


Woodford Co. Teacher Makes Cover Of Time Magazine


VERSAILLES, Ky. (LEX 18) – A teacher from Woodford County High School has made the cover of Time magazine with a powerful quote about her experience teaching in Kentucky.

“I have a master’s degree, 16 years of experience, work two extra jobs and donate blood plasma to pay bills. I’m a teacher in America,” writes Hope Brown.

Brown is a U.S. History teacher at the school. She also works a guest services job at Rupp Arena and leads historical tours in the summer for extra cash.

“We’re given about $50 per semester that we can spend on certain things for our classroom, but we always go above and beyond that. I usually end up spending about $400 every semester,” Brown wrote.

She also said she has a broken tooth she can’t afford to fix.

Get it, Time. 🔥

Posted by Love, Teach. on Thursday, September 13, 2018