NewsCovering Kentucky


Lexington Men Remember Las Vegas Shooting

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) Monday marked one year since the Las Vegas shooting that killed 58 people and left many others wounded.

Three people from Lexington survived the shooting. They tell LEX 18 that they can still remember the day vividly.

Russell Bleck was still recording when he ducked for cover. He was enjoying a concert with his friends and his now-wife when the shooting broke out.

“Nighttime is the worst,” he said. “The nightmares. I haven’t been able to sleep in past 7 a.m. since the whole thing happened.”

The video he recorded was taken by the FBI.

“The things that stand out in my head, mostly were just people screaming out, the people that were hit,” said Bleck.

Bleck now has a Vegas Strong tattoo.

Russell Bleck, who survived the shooting, now has a ‘Vegas Strong’ tattoo.

Bleck wasn’t the only person from Lexington at the concert that day. James Ochsenbein and Chad Perkins were there for work, streaming interviews with performers.

“Chad and I had no idea what was going on at first. We thought it was fireworks, somebody was playing a joke. Then when all the fans started actually rushing backstage, I knew something was terribly wrong,” said Ochsenbein.

All of their cameras and equipment became FBI evidence.

A few weeks later, Perkins returned to pick up the equipment.

“The grounds kind of felt more like a ghost town,” said Perkins.