JESSAMINE COUNTY, Ky. (LEX 18)– This Saturday thousands of wreaths will be placed all across the United States to honor veterans who made the ultimate sacrificed and nearly 5,000 of those will be placed on headstones at Jessamine County’s Camo Nelson National Cemetery.
On Thursday, those wreaths were delivered to the cemetery in a special way.
With the help of a caravan of drivers with Wreaths Across America, wreaths travelled from Man o’ War Boulevard to the cemetery in the hopes people will see the procession and take the time to honor military members everywhere.
The wreath ceremony will begin at noon on Saturday at Camp Nelson National Cemetery.
Wreaths Across America caravanned from Man O War Blvd to Camp Nelson National Cemetery. Their hope is to bring awareness to the ultimate sacrifice the vets buried there have made. They will receive wreaths come Saturday, more on @LEX18News
— Eleanor Buckley (@elbuckleyTV) December 13, 2018