LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18)– NBC’s “World Of Dance” has kicked off season three and Sunday night, Lexington native Abby Brockman and her dance company competed in the first round.
The 21-year-old SCAPA graduate grew up with a passion for dance and after graduating high school, she turned her passion into a profession.
“She came to mom and myself and said, ‘I want to go to L.A.’ We knew that had been her dream all along, but it was very tough to try and make that dream happen,” said Abby’s dad Steve Brockman.
Steve said she was hand-picked for the Los Angeles based contemporary dance company ‘Radiance.’ Sunday night, they took on the NBC “World of Dance” stage, showing off their beautiful lines and dynamic movements, all for superstar judges Jennifer Lopez, Derek Hough, and Ne-Yo.
“To think that you’re in the presence of those type of people in the industry, and they’re judging your daughter. It’s amazing,” he said.
The Brockman family made a trip to the west coast to see their daughter in action. Radiance had to get a score of 85 last night to move onto the next round.
You can continue to follow Abby’s journey on Wold of Dance on Sundays on LEX 18.