NewsCovering Kentucky


18 Juveniles Charged With Stealing Street Signs In Social Media ‘Challenge’


OLDHAM COUNTY, Ky. (WAVE) — Police in Oldham County have arrested 18 juveniles who they say stole about 80 area street signs as part of a social media prank.

WAVE reports that Oldham County officials discovered the missing signs beginning in August 2018. Police said it was done as part of a “challenge” on the social media platform SnapChat, in which young people film themselves stealing the signs.

Police also said 31 juveniles were identified as being involved in or having knowledge about the thefts.

The 18 juveniles charged are accused of theft by unlawful taking and criminal mischief.

Police said the missing street signs presented a danger because emergency responders may not have been able to find homes.

The Oldham County Road Department estimated between 60 and 70 signs have been replaced at a cost of approximately $3,000 and 30 hours worked.