NewsCovering Kentucky


Masjid Bilal Holding Open Mosque Day In Response To New Zealand Attacks


LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18)– The Muslim community of Lexington is holding an Open Mosque Day on Friday, March 22.

The Open Mosque Day is in response to the Mosque shooting attacks last Friday in New Zealand. Osama Abdl-Haleem, the Vice President of Masjid Bilal Mosque says that mosque communities all across the country have chosen to open their doors and invite all their neighbors, rather than lock their doors.

This is a statement that the mosque communities will not let a hateful attacker force them to be afraid, according to Abdl-Haleem.

Abdl-Haleem posted a letter titled Open Hearts and Open Doors  on the Masjid Bilal website saying,

Assalamu alaykum,

Peace and blessings on you,

The first martyr in New Zealand last Friday stood in the mosque doorway and greeted his attacker, “Hello brother.” That day the mosques did what they were meant to: Welcomed in every soul that came to their doors – even the one who came with a gun.

Fear is a natural first reaction to what happened. But this is about our second action. When Jibreel first seized our beloved Prophet, peace be upon him, and laid the weight of Islam on him, the Prophet ran. He ran to his wife and cried out to be held – “Cover me! Cover me!” But after that first night, he stood up, opened his door, and fulfilled his mission.

The actions of the hateful attacker, who will not be honored with a name, were meant to trigger a reaction – to instill fear in us. But we are intelligent believers. We will act based on what we know, not what we fear.

This Friday, March 22, we should do what every mosque is meant to do – open our doors and invite everyone into the Houses of God.

This Friday, March 22, invite your neighbors, each sacred human life, all our brothers and sisters. This is the day to fill our mosques with every worshiping heart, to swell our gatherings with every needy soul.

This is the day to invite officials, politicians, reporters, and our neighbors of other faiths.

Last Friday, many beautiful people came uninvited to our mosques with love and condolences. May Allah reward them.

This Friday, we should invite them with sacred hospitality.

This day of gathering, al-Jumuah, let us open our doors, our arms, and our hearts to the world.

O covered ones, stand up and welcome the world, unafraid.

Wassalmu alaykum,

Osama Abdl-Haleem


Open Mosque Day will be from Friday 1:30 p.m.- 2:30 p.m. at Masjid Bilal at 1545 Russell Cave Road.