LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18)- An incident involving a teacher and a student has been reported at a local elementary school, Fayette County School officials tell LEX 18.
LEX 18 received records from a concerned parent involving a teacher who works with the after-school program at Rosa Parks. LEX 18 reached out to the agency investigating, who said they were aware of the accusations but they would not confirm if the documents sent were legitimate, citing the ongoing investigation.
An open records request into the allegations was denied by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. However, they did release this statement, “Once aware of the accusations, the cabinet initiated an investigation, which is still pending, gathered facts, developed a corrective plan and put a mechanism in place to ensure something like this does not happen again.”
Lisa Deffendall, a spokesperson with Fayette County Public Schools, confirmed that they reported the alleged incident at Rosa Parks Elementary to the CHFS.
“ FCPS is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for its students and takes any and all allegations of this nature seriously. While we cannot comment on specific personnel matters, we can say that we reported this incident to appropriate state agencies and acted accordingly.”