LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18)– Kentucky Transportation Cabinet workers put their skills to the test Wednesday in an Olympics style competition.
Workers from counties across district seven gathered in Lexington for the annual Roadeo event.
The equipment rodeo is the Superbowl of Highway Maintenance.
One exercise involved taking a tennis ball and trying to drop it into a bucket. There were also truck and tractor plows and trailer pulls, and exercises including dump trucks.
Friendly competition adds some spice to the annual training exercise designed to prepare highway crews for the upcoming snow and ice removal season. The workers get a chance to show off their skills of operating and maneuvering their equipment.
“You know, plowing snow and ice is something that is actually very tedious and we want to ensure there’s as much safety as possible when we’re doing that,” said Natasha Lacy, the public information officer for KYTC District 7.
The winning county in the event will go on to the state championships to face teams from the other 11 districts. There is a national championship as well.