LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — With a week to go, the "A Coat to Keep the Cold Away," coat drive is still in need of about 1,300 coats.
Organizer and Activist Devine Carama, says his goal is 3,000 coats to give to kids in Central and Eastern Kentucky.
Coats need to be collected by Dec. 16, he said, in order to be sent to kids on 19th and 20th, before they leave school for winter break.
In the run up to the deadline, Carama said he's, "a little stressed but I know God's going to provide."
"The city always respond," he said. "So I'm feeling good. I've got a good feeling about this last week. I think we're going to hit our goal."
Information on how to donate to the coat drive can be found at the organization's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BelievingInForever/?epa=SEARCH_BOX