LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — On Wednesday, Commonwealth Credit Union, in partnership with Make-A-Wish-Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana, unveiled the region's first Make-A-Wish Toy Closet.
The toy closet is located at the credit union’s Hamburg Branch.
“To watch a child enter the Wish program, receive treatment, and then graduate to lead a life where they are not only surviving but thriving, is what Bettering Lives is all about,” said Karen Harbin, Commonwealth Credit Union President/CEO. “As the 2021 Wish Chair, I am thrilled that we can provide a home for the toys that start these children on their Wish journey.”
The Toy Closet is not Commonwealth Credit Union’s only involvement with Make-A-Wish. Despite COVID-19 Harbin virtually served as a presenter at every Women Inspiring Strength & Hope (W.I.S.H.) event that began in March. In April, the credit union’s service project to celebrate their 70 Years of Service with 70 Acts of Service was a toy drive to help fill the closet. This drive brought in close to 400 toys. Just last month, Commonwealth Credit Union served as a sponsor of Walk for Wishes, an event they’ve been involved with for two consecutive years. Walk for Wishes celebrates the
children whose wishes have already been granted, but it also serves as a fundraiser to fulfill even more.
“Community partners are vital in helping us fulfill our mission of granting the wish of every eligible child, and we are so appreciative of Commonwealth Credit Union. Our relationship is especially meaningful because we are united in our passion to inspire hope in the lives of these special young children, as evident in their funding, support, and hosting of the Toy Closet," Faith Hacker, Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana Senior Development Officer said.