LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — It's been one day since the Catholic Action Center's Community Christmas Store opened in Lexington and volunteers already need more toy and gift donations. They’re worried about how many gifts they'll have for families to take home over the next couple of days.
"What we began to realize was that the inventory was very low in comparison with what it's going to take to get through three days,” said Ginny Ramsey, the director of the Catholic Action Center.
The store helped about 1400 families Tuesday, but there are still more than 2,000 more expected to come out Wednesday and Thursday.
"We don't want of the shoppers to come and us have to say we're down to what we call the naked barbies,” said Ramsey. "We're begging everyone out there. Go through the toy boxes, the closets, look under the bed, the basement, the garage."
Volunteers are accepting donations of toys, bikes, electronics, and other gifts for kids up to age 18.
New or gently used items can be dropped off at the Southland Christian Church on Richmond Road until 8 p.m. Wednesday and from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday.