LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — For the Rushing family, 2021 got off on the right foot. Their daughter, Callie Jay Rushing, was born at 12:09 a.m. on New Year's Day.
"Pretty exciting!" mother Britani Rushing said.
"Yeah, we're pretty happy with it," father Chase Rushing said. "We weren't expecting it but she came when she was ready."
Callie was originally due on January 10, but she came early. You could say she "rushed" it.
"She carries the name well," Britani joked.
Callie's 5-year-old sister, Shalyn, had to stay at home due to COVID-19 restrictions, but she was determined to meet her new family member, no matter how long she had to stay up on New Year's Eve.
"We facetimed her a couple of times," Chase said. "She was actually still awake last night at midnight after she [Callie] got here."
"She [Shalyn] wouldn't go to sleep until she [Callie] got here," Britani added.
Britani reports that she and the baby are healthy and doing well. Little Callie weighs 6 lbs. 15 oz and is 19 inches long. She was delivered by Corey Forester, MD. at Baptist Health Lexington.
The Rushings plan to take Callie to their Flemingsburg home this weekend.
The first baby delivered at UK HealthCare in the new year was Titus Cade Dean Adams.
He was born at 1:50 a.m. at UK Chandler Hospital to Bria Wise and Steven Adams. The couple is from Winchester.

The Women’s Hospital at Saint Joseph East welcomed its first baby of 2021 at 3:31 a.m. on Friday. Catelynn Helm and Michael Jacob Meredith from Dunnville, Ky., welcomed a baby boy. He weighed 6 lbs. and 3 oz. and was 19 inches long.

“Welcoming the first baby of the new year is always exciting,” said Joan Morrin, nurse manager for women’s care and newborn nursery, Women’s Hospital at Saint Joseph East. “At The Women’s Hospital at Saint Joseph East, we are honored to care for our patients and their families throughout the entire maternity process. With every baby that is delivered, we reflect on the gift of new life and are grateful that our patients trust us with their care.”
The Women’s Hospital at Saint Joseph East delivered more than 1,600 babies in 2020.