LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — A moving post from a Lexington police officer has gone viral on social media. After the protest here in downtown on Sunday night, officer Brandon Means posted his experience on Facebook.
When you look at the picture, you see one shin guard that's scuffed. Officer Brandon Means and other officers knelt with protesters to show solidarity against police brutality.
"I'm an African American male here in the United States of America. These are not some things I've heard about, these are some of the injustices that I have felt as well. I wanted to send a message that I am with them, because I am them," Officer Means said.
Officer Means took a picture of his scuffed riot gear and posted it on his Facebook page, along with a message of hope. Writing in part, "I am a testament that the majority of America has progressed, but not naive in realizing change needs to keep happening."
The post has gone viral, with thousands of shares, likes and comments.
"An African American female in South Carolina wrote me this morning, 70 years old. She told me that she has a strong hatred for police, but my post she said gave her a little bit of hope that change can happen and that she will be here to see it," Officer Means said.