NewsCovering Kentucky


LFCHD, Mayor recommend postponing or cancelling events

and last updated

LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — Mayor Linda Gorton and officials with the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department recommended in a press conference Wednesday that all public events and large gatherings be postponed or cancelled.

COVID-19 is thought to be primarily spread through close contact with those who are infected, so transmission is possible within gatherings. Limiting physical contact with others can help reduce the spread of the disease, protecting those at highest risk of severe illness, such as seniors, and those with chronic diseases. When possible, organizers should consider alternate options to in-person gatherings for accomplishing the goals of their event, such as using technology as way for people to participate.

  • Factors event organizers should consider when deciding to hold an event:
  • The age and health status of attendees. People over 60 years of age or those with chronic medical conditions have been advised to avoid public gatherings;
  • The ability to implement regular environmental cleaning measures for high-touch areas during event;
  • The ability to provide opportunities for good handwashing and availability of alcohol-based hand sanitizer, in lieu of handwashing;
  • The capability for attendees to practice social distancing (remain 6 feet away from each other). Crowd density and indoor gatherings in small spaces could impact the ability of attendees to space themselves;
  • The ability to potentially screen participants for fever or symptoms of illness. Those with either should be advised not to attend;
  • The length of the event. The longer the event’s duration, the greater the risk of potential exposure;
  • The ability to manage the needs of people who may become ill and the ability to track or recall attendees if an attendee is identified as having COVID-19.